100% customizable
Multi Tenant
Modular & Scalable
Open Platform
Open Source managed by Axians
On Premise or In SaaS
Machine Learning & Analytics
Is there still a boundary between physical and digital?
Technology has connected physical objects and the virtual dimension to make processes and actions leaner, simpler and smarter.
But technology alone cannot adapt to the needs of each business.
Every organization or business reality has peculiarities that determine specific problems and needs.
Listening, analysis, planning and that “human touch” are needed to create concrete and targeted technological solutions.

Xsona – fully customizable IoT platform
With the desire to respond to the needs of our customers and anticipate market evolutions, we have designed and built Xsona, our fully customizable IoT platform that finds application and offers solutions in six areas:
- Air Quality
- Energy Monitoring
- People Counting
- Smart Lighting
- Water Metering
- Smart Parking
For each of these solutions, Xsona is able to collect the data read by the sensors, aggregate them and return an intuitive and customizable visual analysis.

Air Quality
Schools, museums, historic buildings, urban areas: air monitoring allows you to detect the presence of fine particles, CO2 levels and humidity levels in real time.
The combination of specific sensors – selected on the market after numerous field tests – and our Xsona platform makes it possible to draw the picture of air healthiness, both in outdoor and indoor environments, and define the necessary interventions to protect people and property.

Energy Monitoring
Among the challenges of this decade, there is the crisis of energy resources that requires our utmost attention.
All companies are called upon to do their part by adopting solutions that allow them to track, measure and control consumption.
To date, conventional meters and energy equipment are not able to meet this need.
To fill this gap, at Axians we have developed a solution for monitoring energy consumption using specific sensors.
The Xsona IoT platform aggregates this data and transforms it into easily usable information, making it possible to take action to keep the electricity consumption of small, medium and large companies under control.

People Counting
Monitoring the movement of people – within an urban context, in an infrastructure, on public transport, at an event and even in the retail world, i.e. in shops and shopping centres – makes it possible to identify the areas of greatest interest, the most congested and overcrowded.
This data, collected by our special sensors and processed by Xsona, returns valuable information to optimize the occupation of public and private spaces, improve the efficiency of urban transport, prevent risk situations, manage tourist flows, and even define commercial actions.

Smart Lighting
In many cities, public lighting has been converted to LEDs, but this is not enough to make consumption more efficient.
There are other aspects to keep an eye on, such as the power factor and reactive energy.
With the Xsona IoT platform, it is possible to monitor various aspects of public lighting in real time to improve its efficiency and the service provided to citizens.
For example, the intensity of the bulbs can be adjusted remotely, their operation can be controlled to ensure immediate intervention in case replacement is necessary, and surprises in the bill can be avoided thanks to precise and constant control.

Water Metering
The companies that manage water services are experimenting with remote reading of new water meters.
Thanks to the Xsona platform and our expertise in long-range and low-consumption networks, it is possible to remotely access meter consumption data, view any leaks, receive notifications of tampering, flow reversals or damage.
All completely from a single interface, allowing you to reduce and optimize your workforce’s field travel.

Smart Parking
The application of new technologies in urban contexts also helps to reduce infringements and discourage acts of incivility – such as, for example, the unauthorized occupation of a parking space for the disabled.
Thanks to the use of sensors that track vehicles, license plates and blue stickers, our Xsona IoT platform detects the unauthorized occupation of reserved spaces and parking spaces, as well as giving evidence of the nearest free space, thus reducing travel time and urban pollution.

Axians Italy and Lora-Alliance®
Since 2017, Axians Italia have been member of the LoRa Alliance®, the global association of companies supporting the open LoRaWAN® standard for low-power, wide-range IoT (Internet of Things) networks.
Our Xsona IoT platform supports LoraWAN®, i.e. it is enabled to receive data from this innovative type of IoT network.
In addition, we can guarantee our customers the delivery of their private LoraWAN® network.
Learn more about LoRa Alliance®

Looking for an easy, fast, and fully customizable IoT solution?
Request a free consultation now: together we will build a targeted solution for your needs.
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