Managed Network Security Services

Safeguarding Your Digital Assets

Network Security

In today’s hyper-connected business landscape, network security has become a critical priority for organizations seeking to protect their valuable data and infrastructure. It encompasses a multifaceted approach involving various technologies, policies, and best practices designed to prevent unauthorized access, detect and mitigate threats, and ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your network resources.

As the threat landscape becomes increasingly complex and sophisticated, advanced solutions are needed to address these emerging challenges effectively, such as:


  • Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs) – acting as a gatekeeper between your network and the outside world – have emerged to offer deeper protection and more advanced features than the traditional ones. NGFWs incorporate technologies like deep packet inspection, user and application awareness, and integrated intrusion prevention systems, making them a crucial component of a modern security strategy.
  • Zero Trust Architecture ensures that no user or device—whether inside or outside the network—can be trusted by default. Instead, every access request is continuously verified before being granted, following the principle of “never trust, always verify.”
  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS) play a vital role in Zero Trust by monitoring network traffic for signs of malicious activity. IDS systems passively monitor traffic and alert administrators to potential threats, while IPS solutions actively intervene to prevent, and block detected attacks. Together, these systems help enforce strict security measures, aligning with Zero Trust principles by verifying all network traffic.
  • Network Access Control (NAC) solutions enforce policies that allow only compliant and authorized devices to access the network, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and ensuring a secure environment.
  • Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) – for remote workforces and distributed environments – provide encrypted tunnels between remote users and the corporate network, securing data in transit. Combined with Zero Trust, VPNs ensure that each connection is authenticated and authorized, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and ensuring a secure environment.
  • Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) are specifically designed to protect web-based applications from attacks targeting the application layer, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).
  • Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)  is offering a cloud-based model that integrates both wide area network (WAN) capabilities and comprehensive security functions. SASE brings together technologies like Firewall as a Service (FWaaS), Secure Web Gateways (SWG), Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB), and Domain Name System (DNS) Security, all underpinned by Zero Trust principles. This decentralized approach to security provides more efficient, scalable, and adaptable protection for distributed and cloud-based environments, ensuring that network security extends across a company’s entire infrastructure and enables secure, seamless connectivity for all users, devices, and locations.


By adopting a layered approach to network security—leveraging NGFWs, IDS/IPS, VPNs, WAFs, and forward-thinking technologies like SASE—organizations can create a robust defense against a wide range of cyber threats. In addition, regular risk assessments, vulnerability management, and employee security awareness training form critical components of a comprehensive security strategy.

  • More than 1000 Cyber Security Experts
  • Verified process for detecting and managing security incidents
  • Cost-effectiveness by addressing security risks according to priorities
  • Scalability as your business grows, the firewall services can be scaled accordingly
  • Compliance with safety standards, company laws and policies

How Axians can help?

We offer comprehensive Managed Network Security Services including:

  • Managed Firewall and Firewall as a Service (FWaaS)
  • Managed Proxy/Reverse Proxy and Secure Web Gateway (SWG)
  • Managed Web Application Firewall (WAF)
  • Network Access Control (NAC)
  • SD-WAN & SASE for safe Cloud adoption

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